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Angelique Taylor, Ph.D.

Principle Investigator in Information Science, Cornell University

Assistant Professor, Cornell Tech

Information Science Department, Field membership in Computer Science

College of Computing & Information Science




Prior Education and Experience

  • Visiting Research Scientist, Meta Reality Labs Research, (2021-22)

  • Ph.D. Computer Science and Engineering, UC San Diego (2021)

  • B.S. in Electrical Engineering, University of Missouri-Columbia (2015)

  • B.S. in Computer Engineering, University of Missouri-Columbia (2015)

  • A.S. in Engineering Science, Saint Louis Community College (2012)

Angelique directs the Artificial Intelligence & Robotics Lab (AIRLab), which focuses on research in the field of human-robot interaction (HRI). Her research is at the intersection of robotics, computer vision, and artificial intelligence. AIRLab research lab designs intelligent systems that work alongside groups of people in real-world, safety-critical environments. These systems are realized through community engagement with stakeholders to develop robot vision and planning algorithms, and augmented reality systems that support multi-user interactions.

Angelique has received funding from Google Award for Inclusion Research, NSF GRFP, Microsoft Dissertation Award, the Google Anita Borg Memorial Fellowship, the Arthur J. Schmitt Presidential Fellowship, a GEM Fellowship, and an award from the National Center for Women in Information Technology (NCWIT). Awards include Best Paper Honorable Mention at CSCW 2019 and Best Paper Award at HRI 2022.
